50 % students’ faced sexual harassment once in lifetime: Survey 2021

MELBOURNE, 24 March 2022: Of the 43,819 Australian students surveyed by the Social Research Centre’s 2021 National Student Safety Survey, one of the world’s largest surveys on sexual harassment and sexual assault experienced by university students, finds half of them faced ‘sexual harassment once in a lifetime.

Releasing the survey Prof. John Dewar, Chair of Universities and the Vice-Chancellor of the La Trobe University says, “From this survey, we know sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to occur in university communities, but it is not limited to campuses. It can occur in students’ own homes, in residential colleges, pubs and clubs. These are the places where students live, work, study, travel and socialise. The results of this significant survey are distressing, disappointing and confronting.

Too many students have experienced sexual harassment and sexual assault, not only in their time on campus but away from university and over the course of their entire lifetime.”

The stunning survey released on 23 March 2022 reveals “One in six students have been sexually harassed since starting at university and one in twelve has been sexually harassed in the past 12 months.

One in twenty students have been sexually assaulted since starting at university and 1.1 per cent have been sexually assaulted in the past 12 months.

The survey has found that women are far more likely to be sexually harassed or sexually assaulted than men. Also, troublingly, it has found sexuality and gender diverse students are at significantly greater risk than all other groups of being sexually harassed or sexually assaulted. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people living with disabilities, and people from culturally diverse backgrounds, are also student cohorts at greater risk of sexual harassment and sexual assault. The majority of perpetrators are male.”

The survey is in three parts – Reports, Sector Response & Find Support. The Reports section is in two parts – National quantitative report & National qualitative report.

ACCESS THESE REPORTS AT ness.edu.au/results

FIND SUPPORT AT UNIVERSITIEShttps://www.universitiesaustralia.edu.au/our-universities/student-safety/

The below services are available free-of-charge to the public, across Australia:

Phone and online counselling for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse, available 24/7.
1800respect.org.au or 1800 737 732

Phone and online confidential crisis support, available 24/7.
lifeline.org.au or 13 11 14

Phone and online support and referral service for LGBTIQ+ people, available 3 pm to midnight in your time zone.
qlife.org.au or 1800 184 527

MensLine Australia
Phone and online counselling service for men, available 24/7.
mensline.org.au or 1300 789 978

Beyond Blue
Phone and online mental health counselling and advice, available 24/7.
beyondblue.org.au or 1300 224 636

Translating and interpreting service (TIS National)
Translation service for non-English speakers, available 24/7.
tisnational.gov.au/en/Non-English-speakers or 131 450

National Relay Service (NRS)
Service for Deaf people, available 24/7.
Teletypewriter (TTS): 133 677
SMS relay: 0423 677 767
NRS Chat (formerly known as Internet Relay): nrschat.nrscall.gov.au

By SAT News Desk

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