Matt Guy/Catlin case referred to the IBAC

Matthew Guy. File photo – 2018.

MELBOURNE, 17 November 2022: The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) yesterday (16 Nov. 2022) referred its Matthew Guy/Mitch Catlin investigation to the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) for further investigation.

Electoral Commissioner, Warwick Gately, said the VEC had exhausted its attempts to fully investigate what may constitute a breach of Victoria’s funding and disclosure laws under section 218B of the Electoral Act 2002 (Vic) (the Act).

‘We became aware of suggestions that Mr. Catlin was alleged to have tried to circumvent donation disclosure laws. It’s my responsibility to ensure compliance with all electoral laws and ensure all participants are held to the same standard,’ Mr. Gately said.

Despite public statements to the contrary, the VEC has not received full cooperation from those connected to its investigation. While the VEC is not in a position to allege wrongdoing based on the allegations it has sought to investigate, the possibility of offences against the Act—including under section 218B—have also not been able to be discounted.

The VEC will provide no further comment on this case now that it has been referred to IBAC, a media release says.


Matt Guy has maintained he and the Liberal Party “have fully cooperated with the Electoral Commission and denied exploiting a legal loophole to stymie the probe”. reports The Guardian.

The ABC adds: ” In August, Mr Catlin resigned as Mr Guy’s chief of staff after reports he asked a Liberal donor to pay more than $100,000 to his private marketing business.

Mr Guy has previously said no contract was signed and no deal was put in place.”

In a statement today through MediaNet, Deputy Director of Media at Office of the Hon Daniel Andrews MP, Premier of Victoria, Matilda Edwards Jézéquel says, ”

It has been 98 days since Matthew Guy was asked this question – and he has refused to answer it.

With IBAC now investigating this matter, Matthew Guy must now answer this simple question.

Since the new electoral laws came into force on 25 November 2018, has anyone employed by the Opposition been paid by an undeclared source?”

By SAT News Desk

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