Zaneta Mascarenhas:The only Indian elected to Australia’s lower house


MELBOURNE, 23 May 2022: Zaneta Mascarenhas is the only Indian-origin candidate who won the election for Australia’s House of Representatives. She was a Labor candidate for Swan in Western Australia.

Her election page says: “My name is Zaneta Mascarenhas – like Anita but starting with a “Z”.

I was born in Kalgoorlie and grew up in Kambalda – a nickel mining town where dad was a fitter and mum the kindy cleaner.

When I was 18, I moved to Perth to study science and engineering at Curtin University and since then, in my 15-year career as an engineer, I’ve worked in dozens of sites across regional WA and Victoria.

For the last 8 years, my husband and I have lived in East Victoria Park, where we are now raising our two children, Lincoln and Felicity. We love living here and are committed to our local community.


If I am elected, I’ll be on your side, fighting passionately for families like mine here in Swan, and working tirelessly with you for a strong and fair society.”

In an Instagram post, Zaneta says, ” A BIG thank you to the people of WA but especially to you! Here’s to a better future and an Anthony Albanese Labor Government!

By SAT News Desk

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