Massive Melbourne rally expresses solidarity with Indian farmers

Photo- SAT

By SAT News Desk

MELBOURNE, 7 February 2021: A massive rally at the Federation Square here today expressed solidarity with the agitating Indian farmers, who have been sitting in protest for more than two months at the borders of the capital Delhi. In the center of the Central Business District’s Federation Square, the peaceful crowd heard speeches of support from activists from different communities of the Indian diaspora here.

Photo- SAT

People from all over and far-flung places came with their families and stood with different placards in rain, wind, and sun. The organizers arranged drinking water and soft drinks and volunteers distributed them. Many passing and other Aussies also joined the protest meeting cum rally.



Speaker after speaker explained the demands of the farmers and why they were not good for them and Indian farming. It was also explained that the farmer’s agitation was getting support from states all over India. This was just one of the rallies that took place and such gatherings have taken place across Melbourne in many suburbs.


Neeraj Nanda

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