Uttar Pradesh Association of Australia’s India support appeal

UPAA design

By SAT News Desk

MELBOURNE, 7 May 2021: Grim Covid-hit situation in India has led the Uttar Pradesh Association of Australia (UPAA) to step in to support the needy there. Its President Dr. Santosh Yadav has in an appeal called upon the community to come forward to help save lives in India.

The UPAA has identified an NGO named SRM Kalyan Samiti, through which it will channel aid to rural areas in Uttar Pradesh.

Talking to SAT, Mr. Yadav said, ” People should donate generously as every $ will go towards making available medication kits or Oxygen Concentrators.”

Bank transfers can be made to the Uttar Pradesh Association of Australia Inc. account online – BSB: 013 128 & A/C: 406 886 956. Bank reference: COVID 19 and your name. Payment by credit card can be made at – https://tinyuri.com/stwjuy4th.


Website- www.upaaustralia.org and email- info@upaaustralia.org
Phone no in Melbourne – Dr. Santosh Yadav: 0410914987.

Neeraj Nanda

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