MELBOURNE, 25 November, 2024: “Multiculturalism brings communities together’, said VMC Chairman Vivienne Ngnyeen, explaining the VMC Annual Report 2024, to about 200 odd people from different communities, who gathered at the Springvale Town Hall today as true believers in multiculturalism and a multicultural society. The main points , Vivienne Ngnyeen presented, through a power point presentation spoke of VMC’s success, though she said it was a year of challenges.
Nick Staikos MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs addressing the gathering on behalf of Premier Jacinta Allan, said the contribution of the VMC to multiculturalism was invaluable. And, there have been challenges to our social cohesion which, he said, the government will do all it can to maintain diversity and work on the anti-racism strategy.
Anthea Hancocks, CEO, Scanlon Foundation Research Institute presenting a sum-up of the annual Mapping Social Cohesion Report 2024, read out parts of the report which dealt with migration & multiculturalism (85 % agreeing multiculturalism has been good for Australia), people support a non-discriminatory migration policy, belief that immigration is too high is connected to economic and housing concerns, but not related to multiculturalism, migration and migrants, middle-east conflict has put pressures on inter-faith relations, with attitudes towards all faiths less positive and more negative in 2024. She touched , islamophobia, anti-semitism, Muslim and Jewish faiths, and political polarisation. But said, “despite challenges most Australian’s are happy.”
A three-person panel – featuring Regional Advisory Council member Afra Sarfaraz, Multicultural Youth Network member Aakriti Malhotra, and Multifaith Advisory Group member Jasbir Singh Suropada – discussed the achievements this year of key VMC forums, and priorities for 2025.
In-between the serious topics the Sounds of Polynesia staged Pacific dances and the Ignite Bollywood Dance Group a Bollywood performance and later made those present dance Bollywood style, followed by a Asian food treat.
VMC Commissioners played a pivotal role in the success of the evening. Nyangak (Lizzy) Kuoth served as Master of Ceremonies, and Sylvia Coombe hosted the panel discussion. Collectively, VMC Commissioners attended more than 530 community events in 2024, a stunning testament to their commitment to multiculturalism.
Speeches, too, throughout the evening paid tribute to the work of individuals across the state, whose positive efforts combine to strengthen and sustain multicultural communities.