MELBOURNE, 21 December, 2024: Ayatullah Imdad, an alumni of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), a solar energy project manager here, has a penchant for poetry and storytelling. A former international student in Melbourne, Imdad who lives here now, faced many issues as a new migrant in a land, being part of the second largest Indian migrant community in Australia.
He found he was not alone and shared the joys and sorrows of his community, many of whom came from different parts of India and other countries. A soft spoken Imdad, decided to pen down the challenges faced by people like him in different professions and work situations. What he saw and observed became four short stories.
The stories Uncle Ado’s Pizza, Dad, Katastrophe, and From Many Places, all in 95 pages can be quick read. The stories try to capture the essence of migrant life – trying to find a balance between two worlds and sometimes leaving one behind for good.
Being part of the mainstream society is a socio-economic imperative for all migrants. The early years are tough and as time passes the ease comes. Imdad skilfully narrates some of these narratives. A commendable effort.
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