By Neeraj Nanda
MELBOURNE, 17 August 2021: People in an Assamese fishing village have no rain and the river almost dries up. The village economy is shattered. The traditional villagers try out an age-old method – marrying frogs. But, the rain fails to come. The village priest suggests the ritual of marrying two men. A very old man (Mohan) and Benga, (means a fool in Assamese) a young man known for his silly acts are married for the rains. This changes the situation for Bengi, who is always messing up with Benga. The film shows how superstition grips a community in an adverse natural situation. The film was shot in Jogduar, in Teak, Jorhat. The rural landscape is breathtaking. It’s slow but engrossing. I give it – 4 out of 5 stars.
Name- Boroxun (Songs of Tain), 2021, MA15+
Duration- 86 minutes
Language- Assamese (English Subtitles)
Country- India
Cast- Deep Jyoti Kalita, Bina Patangia, Maitri Das
Director- Krrishna Kt. Borah