MELBOURNE, 20 July 2024: The RMIT Capitol Theatre today saw the ‘Princess of Champa’ conquering the hearts and minds of a packed hall. On stage the ambience was visibly a 15th century tale laced with multimedia and haunting music.
This Perwira Inc. collaboration with other communities was a tribute to diversity and multiculturalism. A story based on love, courage, and legacy from what is now’s Vietnam, encompasses the whole of South East Asia. The influences of ancient India, China and the Middle East seen in the region even today, made ‘The Princess of Champa’ a joy to see and feel the diversity of cultures at their best.
The around two and half hours costume drama was not just theatre, but much more. Modern multimedia drop backs gave the tale a 15th century feeling, and the glittering costumes, no doubt, reflected the actors merging in their characters. The two big and heavy masks were a big attraction.
The kingdoms of Majapahit (now Indonesia), Khmer, Champa, Dai Viet, Ayuthays Ava, in fact, got resurrected on stage. Princess Anarawati’s, acted by Vibuthy Virya, marriage to King Kertabhumi, the last King of Majapahit is the defining moment of the play, as it unleashes education and progress. Anarawati’s influence on her husband emerges as a positive factor. The stage show in a powerful way traces history and culture with all the cross-culture trappings.
This is a collaboration between the Indonesian, Vietnamese, Indian, Singaporean, Malaysian and Turkish communities, in the melting pot called Australia. The organisers rightly say, ” It aims to showcase harmony and diversity in Australia – a country we call home and to demonstrate the unity of diverse culture and how we can apply that love, respect for culture differences and acceptance in our society.”
This theatre production is more of a multicultural celebration and the 15th century royal tale a trigger for a modern presentation. The beautiful dances, lighting, multimedia, costumes, props and the historical background (as text on screens before every segment), and the English dialogues mesmerised the audience.
The script could have been tighter and the play’s duration shorter. An interval was desired. The actors did a cosy job.
All credit goes to the event partner Dr. Bruce Wong, CEO of Foot Solutions, Jenny Rozha, CEO of Indezin, as the main sponsor and supporting organisation. In fact, everyone associated with this play including the cast, production crew, and the Perwira Inc. core team need to be commended for this great effort.

CAST – Vibuthy Virya, Nadhira Kuswoyo, Thao Phuong Tran, Philip Tan, Ridvan Kilic, Andry Refani, Stephen Yin, Fitri Azrei, Citra Ocataviana, Nungky Dewayani, Yohanes Prasetyo, Isaiah Liando, Ruchi Sharma, Jeffry Liando, Dilali Abimanyu, Md. Widagda, Satya Nugraha, Raj Balani, Anna Balani, Adam Wibisono, Alisha Hoang, Aria Wibisono, Kezia Liando, Annabella Tran, Mehmet Ali Doganay, Aydin Gur, Aearl Baker, Aleena Azriel and Nadine A. Balani.
PRODUCTION CREW – Iwan Wibisono, Thien Giang, Dora Melati, Khafid Kadafi, Nam Nguyen, Hung Nguyen, Cong Tran, Rifat Hasan, Long Pham, Samara Allen, Md. Wigdada, Inda E. Fedrianti, Diana Lestari, Nina Liando, Ganda Marpaung, Jenny Rozha, Gita Tandya, Made Marheeni, Dian Indriani, Damira Arief, Dao TYran, Tia Septiandri, Dyah Kavanagh, Melanie Tjendra, Ayesha, Juiz, Susie Stevens, Yuli Thompson, Ningish, Tundung, Mick Honegger, Abigil, Nulm Khaiyath, Jecky Azril, Arya Sutrisno and Hasna.
PEWIRA Inc CORE TEAM – Diana Lestari, Santi Whiteside, Christin Tidore, Aida McAuloy, and Tino Harvey.
SUPPORTED BY : Consulate General Republic of Indonesia & Garuda Indonesia; Event Partner – Foot Solutions; Supporting Organisation – Cense Media Plus; Sponsors – Jenny Rozha, Sunrise2Sunrise, xenergyreality, Olanye, VN Weaf & Roll; Media partners – SBS Radio & Ozip.