The Australian Academy of Science strongly supports the message of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—humanity has the tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and arrest catastrophic climate change, but we need to act now.
Scientific knowledge underpins the solutions to respond to climate change. We have seen the incredible power of our science capability in enabling rapid response to crises and protecting our society during the pandemic. It is not too late to leverage our skilled workforce, scale up existing technologies and harness our natural resources to urgently cut emissions.
The IPCC report has found that global net greenhouse gas emissions from human activities have continued to rise in the last decade and have increased across all major sectors since 2010. However, the world has made some progress, with the rate of growth in emissions between 2010 and 2019 lower than in the previous decade.
* Professor John Shine AC PresAA FAHMS(Hon) FRS, President, Australian Academy of Science.
Source-, April 07, 2022.