Is India Becoming A Fascist State? a global Zoom panel discussion was hosted at the New South Wales (NSW), Australia Parliament, Sydney on 26 November 2020. The discussion organized by The Humanist Project, IAMC, Hindus for Human Rights, and Amnesty International, Australia. Those who participated in View from Academia & Civil Society: Mr.Raju Rajagopalan. Co-founder. Hindus for Human Rights, Ms. Suchitra Vijayan. Executive Director. The Polis Project, Prof. Anjali Arondekar. Professor of Feminist Studies. UC, Santa Cruz, and Mr. Pieter Friedrich, civil society activist and author.Those who participated in Role of the International Community: were
Shaffaq Mohammed, MBE, British politician, Liberal Democrat, Marie Newman. US Congresswoman. Illinois’s 3rd congressional district and Joel Mackay, Amnesty International, Campaign Strategy Advocate. Concluding remarks and thanks by David Shoebridge, Greens MP. The event was held at the Jubilee Room, NSW PARLIAMENT HOUSE, Sydney, NSW.
The video has been sourced from YouTube and the views expressed in the panel discussion are of the participants.