
Chats Over Chai

Chats Over Chai: Geo-politics drives India-Australia relations
September 6, 2024

Chats Over Chai: Geo-politics drives India-Australia relations

CHATS OVER CHAI: Australia India and the World, Australia India Institute (AII), Melbourne. AII, CEO Lisa Singh was joined by...
Prashant Kishor plans new centre-Left political outfit, “Jan Swaraj’ movement from Oct. 2
July 19, 2022

Prashant Kishor plans new centre-Left political outfit, “Jan Swaraj’ movement from Oct. 2

MELBOURNE, 19 JULY 2022: India’s top political strategist Prashant Kishor, today said he will launch ‘Jan Swaraj, a political movement...
TN Melb: Dravidian model different from BJP model(PODCAST)
June 10, 2022

TN Melb: Dravidian model different from BJP model(PODCAST)

Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Dr. Palanivel Thiaga Rajan who was recently in Melbourne talked to Australia India Institute (AII) CEO...
CHATS OVER CHAI – Frank Wesley’s life through his son’s eyes (Podcast)
March 23, 2022

CHATS OVER CHAI – Frank Wesley’s life through his son’s eyes (Podcast)

In this podcast, Professor Nathan Grills from the Institute speaks to Frank’s son Michael Wesley, as they explore Frank’s journey...