AIII celebrates Australia Day & India’s R-Day 2022

Photo- SAT/NN.

MELBOURNE, 29 January 2022: The Australian Indian Innovations Incorporated (AIII) celebrated Australia Day and India’s Republic Day today at Greater Dandenong’s Harmony Square. A large number of activists, members, and the community participated in the daylong program. A beautiful stage was prepared and in front were chairs to sit amid pleasant weather. The faraway one could hear hit Bollywood music coming from Harmony Square. The huge open area has Council offices, Greater Dandenong Library, a big screen (above the stage), and cafes around.

Video- SAT/NN/YouTube

Despite covid restrictions many people came and enjoyed the breeze laced with music and Bollywood songs. One could see people of many communities present at the event. Eating stalls sold Indian style ice-cream and Gujarati snacks. Dessert sold the tasty ice-creams with the slogan ‘Bringing Happiness’. The company is based in Truganina and also runs a food truck plus cater for parties and corporate events. Yogi Patel (Desserts) is confident of expanding the business across Melbourne as the pandemic declines.

Yogen Lakshman (AIII) told SAT that their organization will be completing 20 years this year and a bigger celebration program is being chalked out. The program concluded with group photographs and networking.

By SAT News Desk

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