Billionaire wealth surges by $2 trillion in 2024: Oxfam
The wealth of the world’s billionaires surged to $ 2 trillion in 2024, three times faster than the year before,...
March 6, 2024
No country provides equal opportunity for women: World Bank report
On the eve of the International Women’s Day 2024 (Friday, 8 Mar 2024), the World Bank in a new...
October 10, 2023
Poorest nations to cut $220b public spending amid crushing debt:Oxfam
More than half (57 percent) of the world’s poorest countries, home to 2.4 billion people, are having to cut public...
September 24, 2023
Vested interests control Pak policies amid socio-economic crisis: WB
ISLAMABAD, September 24 (ANI): Ahead of the general elections in Pakistan, the World Bank has given a candid warning for...
March 8, 2023
Opinion: A united South Asia can beat air pollution
A new World Bank study finds that collaboration across borders could slash the cost of tackling air pollution,...
June 21, 2021
AIIB and World Bank Group financially exposed to Myanmar military business
June 21, 2021: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is indirectly financing a telecommunications infrastructure company in business with the...
October 8, 2020
2 million babies stillborn worldwide: joint UN estimates
Aruna Patel (28) giving KMC to the new born child. Mothers of newborns are trained and educated on the benefits...
July 29, 2020
What could be wrong with a fiscal deficit?
If wealth inequality is to be prevented from becoming worse than the horrendous level it has already attained, then the...
July 19, 2020
Viewpoint: Decline in global poverty is a farce perpetuated by World Bank’s Poverty Line
The real problem with the World Bank’s poverty estimates is that its International Poverty Line is set at an impossibly...