MELBOURNE, 18 April 2024: To celebrate the festivals of Eid, Easter, Ramnavami, Vaishakhi and Chetichand, India’s Consul General (CG) Dr. Sushil Kumar today hosted a Dinner Reception for the Indian community and faith leaders, at the Indian Consulate.
Addressing the gathering he lauded them for their efforts in organising various socio-cultural events and festivals for bringing communities together and promoting India’s rich cultural heritage. He assured them support of the CG and the Consulate in their future endeavours “in bringing social cohesion in the multicultural communities and promoting friendship.”
Those attending gave feed back on different issues facing the community. The issues included international students facing problems, swimming/drowning issues, drink driving, language barriers, among others.
One suggestion was to create a combined fund for dealing with issues where money was needed and another suggestion from community leader Nirmal Namdhari was to tap existing funds with community and faith organisations. The CG agreed to look into the matter and hold more such community catch-ups.
Community leaders interacted and networked during the dinner and many important ideas were exchanged.